start your journey

The path to a healthy life starts here.

invest in yourself

We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. Let me be your advocate and show you a kinder, gentler way to treat the most important person in your life. Working together we will utilize simple tools like organic foods, herbs, movement and breath work to help care better for yourself.

shannon’s regenerative story

Working in the health field for over twenty years helped her understanding of working with patients and the difference between wants and needs. The goal is to help others get what they need in a way that they want it. It seems that people want things to be easy. She will help to make it simple. Which can be made easy using things like mindfulness, foods, herbs, and movement.


try a session for free and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.

bio-hacks for a healthy lifestyle

A curation of resources, tips and tricks to maintain your health and feel your best.

“My experience with Shannon was very uplifting. She held my hand when I needed it.”

See what other people are saying.

explore the blog

Cultivate & Motivate by Shannon —a blog crafted to guide you toward a happier, healthier lifestyle.